Continuous Wire Welder Course (Mig Mag)

Continuous Wire Welder Course
(Mig Mag)

MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welder Course - Our Welding School is a true training center for professional welders. We conduct Continuous Wire Welding (Mig Mag) Courses throughout Italy, with the goal of training welders ready to go to work in Italy's best metalworking companies.

Our Itaforma Welding School is one of the best and oldest in Italy (we have been conducting welding courses for 30 years), we have trained hundreds of welders who now work around the world. After finishing our Welder's Course, we deliver the MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding License, internationally recognized according to UNI EN ISO 9606 and UNI EN 287 Certification, with our highest quality program and highly trained instructors, We guarantee the issuance of the License. 

Intense, hands-on Continuous Wire Welding course

Our Continuous Wire Welding (MIG MAG) Course, starts from 0 and you don't need to have welding experience, is very practical and technical, lasts 100 hours of pure intensive welding, and you will be ready to take the Welding License exam. 

We hold Welding Courses every month in different Provinces of Italy, if you don't want to wait for the course near you to start, don't worry, you can take the course at our main location, where the course is held every day of the year and we will give you free room and board for the duration of the course (the intensive course lasts 20-30 days, 8 hours a day).

Find out how we work

Watch a video of the training at one of our locations in Italy.

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The Continuous Wire Welder

The Continuous Wire Wel der is one of the most sought-after jobs in Italy by the job market, there are few welders who specialize in continuous wire welding, in fact, companies are always looking for people to hire.

Companies are looking for ready-made, high-quality Continuous Wire Welders to be put into production immediately; in fact, before hiring, they always require the welder to have a Continuous Wire Welding License, because not knowing the welder is a guarantee that he or she can weld very well.

Today, the only way to be a quality continuous wire welder is to participate in Continuous Wire Welding Course and take the Welding License, is to take a very professional welding course that lasts many hours, enrolling in a recognized and serious Welding School with a practical, job-focused training program.

Our Welder Training Center, in addition to Guaranteed Achievement, provides you with very important free services to find work as a Welder.

Our Welding School is a true manufacturing metal workshop, where we build heavy carpentry and pipe-piping, so we train welders so that they are able to enter manufacturing companies right away.

Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welder Course

Our MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welder Course is very hands-on, as early as one hour into the course you start welding and don't stop, until the day of the welding license exam. Many hours of pure welding to make you a high-quality welder.

You will learn to weld with different welding techniques and different materials, in a variety of positions and with multiple degrees of difficulty. In fact, you will start welding sheet metal flat, vertical, underhead, overhead, then you will move on to pipe, we will teach you how to weld in different positions, standing, kneeling, lying down, right-handed and left-handed so that you will be ready for all the demands of your future employer. In short, you will undoubtedly participate in the most comprehensive and important course there is in Italy.

Our MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding course starts from 0, you don't need previous welding experience, lasts 20 days for 8 hours a day, there is no age limit, and you can enroll from 16 years old and up.

Continuous Wire Welding School

Our Welding School provides you with everything you need to go through the course: Welder's clothing and shoes, PPE (Safety Equipment), continuous wire welder, welding materials, filler materials, workbench, toolbox with everything you need (mask, brush, apron, welder's cap, tools and equipment), free lunchtime canteen, accident insurance, free housing for the duration of the course, etc.

During the Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welding course, you will be supervised by the best Welding Instructors and Welding Inspectors nationwide, who starting from 0, will make you a high-quality welder.

At the end of the course we will give you the MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding License.

How do you get your Mig Mag continuous wire welder license?

The Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welding License, is the most important qualification a welder can receive, as it certifies his skills and abilities in Welding. Thanks to our Welding Course, the trainee acquires theoretical knowledge and practical skills that make him or her a true Licensed welder and ready to work in the best metal workshops.

Our Continuous Wire Welder Course guarantees the issuance of the Welding License by the best and most recognized Italian Certification Body (IIS) according to UNI EN 9606 and UNI EN 287 standards.

Care must be taken not to confuse the Welding License with the various "welding certificates and attestations attesting to attendance at a course according to UNI EN standards ..." because the latter, while cheaper, are worth very little for job search purposes.

To receive the Continuous Wire Welding License, there are no recommendations, on the day of the exam in front of a certified inspector, a welding test must be conducted, the welded pieces are put through laboratory tests (fracture tests and radiography), only upon successful completion of these, is the Welding License valid throughout Europe issued.

Welding License - Welding Certificate UNI EN 9606 and UNI EN 287

The Continuous Wire Welding License if privately made is tied to the person who took it and must be renewed every two years.

Metal-mechanical companies that produce iron structures and carpentry are required by law to carry out welding only with qualified and Licensed welders, which is why the license becomes so important when looking for work as a welder. In fact, companies the first thing they ask during the hiring process for a welder is whether he or she already holds a Welding License.

Our MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding course assures you that you will receive your License, because we will have you train on all the welding specimens that may come your way on exam day, as we have collected all the tests that have been required over the last 30 years and put them into our welding program.

Job Opportunities for Continuous Wire Welders

With our Continuous Wire Welder Course, you become a welder ready to go to work in carpentry and piping metal workshops. The Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welder, is in high demand in the working world, so many companies are constantly looking for this specialized professional figure, but there are few and hard to find Continuous Wire Welders with a License in Italy.

The Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welder, is mostly used by metalworking companies that build heavy carpentry, in fact it is highly sought after by companies that build Ships, Trains, Planes, Sheds, Tanks, Silos, etc.

Find a job as a Continuous Wire Welder?

How does the process of finding and selecting a Continuous Wire Welder work for companies that need to hire?

The company posts online and offline (through job agencies or other channels) a job application for a welder

Once the company receives applications, only welders who have a Welding License or have already worked with the company are chosen

The company has an in-house welding test conducted in its shop, usually very similar to the examination for the License

Our Welding School, makes you train precisely on the possible welding tests that may occur to you during the examination of the Continuous Wire Welder's License., in fact we have put in our MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding Course syllabus, all the tests that have happened in the last 30 years that we have been conducting the courses (We are the oldest Welding School in Italy), as well as we will also make you train on most of the tests that companies will ask you before hiring you.

Collaborations and Partnerships

We work with more than 1,500 Metalworking Companies in Europe with whom we put you in touch as soon as you finish the course to find work immediately.

Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welding Course

Watch a video of the training at one of our locations in Italy.

ITAFORMA - Metal Mechanical Welding Courses | School of Welding course certified welder ITAFORMA Logo 800x e1651834012199 | ItaForma School | Welding Course

Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welding

The Continuous Wire Welding or MIG MAG process, is widely used by engineering companies because of its high productivity and wide applicability to automated shop floor production. Advantages and Disadvantages of MIG MAG Continuous Wire Welding:

Advantages of Continuous Wire Welding

Almost all kinds of ferrous and nonferrous materials can be welded.
High quality of welds.
Can be used in all welding positions.
Does not produce Weld slag.
High productivity and efficiency.
Easy-to-learn technique.

Disadvantages of Continuous Wire Welding

Bulky equipment.
Reduced bath protection compared with other welding processes.
Sensitive to drafts.
High cost of protective gases.

Continuous Wire W elding is autogenous welding in which the arc strikes between the workpiece and the fused wire.

 The device containing the wire coil provides continuous power for the weld (as opposed to the electrode, which must be replaced when terminated). Gas protection is provided, directly on the melt pool, by a carrier gas. 

Inert gas (e.g.Argon) is used for MIG welding, while active gas (CO2) or ArCO2 mixtures are used for MAG welding. Pure Argon is mainly used in the welding of aluminum, copper and its alloys. ArCO2 mixture, on the other hand, is used in all other materials (iron, stainless steel). 

In continuous wire welding according to how the droplets of filler material are detached, there is Short Arc transfer (Large droplets detaching by short circuit, obtained with low current, used for positional welding and filling) and Spray Arc transfer (Continuous flow of small free droplets, using high current, good quality weld and good appearance, stable arc condition). 

The Mig Mag Continuous Wire Welding Machine

The trainee who participates in our Continuous Wire Welding Course will use a continuous wire welder, composed as follows:

Flashlight that has dual function: it strikes the arc between the wire and the workpiece and brings shielding gas onto the weld pool


Arc current generator (in modern machines the control is electronic)

Wire feed and control mechanism

Wire reel

Protective gas cylinder

All of our Metalworking Courses

Choose the course that best suits your business needs

Electrode Welder Course

Complete MMA SMAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days

Basic Electrode Welder Course

MMA SMAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

Continuous Wire Welding Course

Full Mig Mag 100h practice + 25h theory | 20 days

Basic continuous wire welder course

Mig Mag course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

TIG Welder Course

Full GTAW 80h practice + 20h theory | 15 days

Basic TIG Welder Course

GTAW course 40h practice + 10h theory | 1 week

Electrode + Tig Welder Course

140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days

Electrode + Continuous Wire Welder Course

180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days

Tig + Wire Welder Course

180h practice + 40h theory | 35 days

Electrode + TIG + Continuous Wire Welder Course

240h practice + 60h theory | 45 days
(the most comprehensive course)

Carpenter Fitter Course

140h practice + 30h theory | 30 days

Industrial Tubist Course

140h practice + 30h theory

Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year,
Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.

Our courses are held in intensive daytime mode, throughout the year, Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day of practice/welding.


+39 351 53 14 501


Contact us

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